Statistical Analysis Proves Media Bias Toward Global Warming

Well what do you expect from the liberal media besides lies and bias?

A quick, off-the-cuff statistical analysis of some of the news stories I remember reading about in the last little while, shows this: The media reports a lot more stories about people dying due to climate change, than stories about people not dying due to a perfectly unchanging climate that is actually getting cooler.

Kinda makes it seem like nobody's not dying any more theses days, doesn't it?

But wait a minute. Despite what the news is not reporting, I happen to know that there are a lot of people who aren't dying due to climate change. Where is all the news reports about that? No, of course not... the liberal media is only interested in sensationalist stories full of lies that will help them overthrow the ruling governments and corporations of our time.

Probably at least half of the population of Earth (half, according to GDP) is not dying due to global warming. But how can we know the true numbers, if news organizations are suppressing this information? If the media were fair, there'd be at least as many stories about people not dying due to a cooling Earth, as there are about people dying due to a warming Earth.

Another example of media bias: They will report that the average global temperature is hitting record highs, yet I can find a single example of a place that's hitting record cold temperatures: Minnesota. And yet, that's not getting nearly the attention that record highs across the globe get. Why? What is the media hiding? Could they be hiding the fact that it's impossible for the global average temperature to be warming, while within the same few years, some place in Minnesota experiences really cold temperatures for a little while?

Surely they'd report something like that, wouldn't they?

Unless of course they were liars. But surely they're not all liars though, are they?

Well, you tell me. I'll say this much, though: Yes, they are.

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1 Response to Statistical Analysis Proves Media Bias Toward Global Warming

  1. Erin says:


    Took me a while to find this one. Looks like you're already done with it....

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