Common sense is the new Science

Welcome to something new in bloggery: A blog where someone is willing to tell it like it is. To tell it like how I sees it. To write about what is what, in my opinion. Here, we'll cut through all the nonsense of the scientists and the people who make it their job to do stuff for the sake of making money, and get to the facts about climate change, science, global warming, and climate change.

What I want to know is, who says that it's the scientists who get to say what science is? Why is there an educatocracy controlling what gets to be part of our reality and what doesn't? Why can't ordinary people like you and me have a say in our own reality?

I say that we can. Science don't make no sense to me, so from now on common sense will be the new science around here. Common sense speaks for ordinary people like you and me, who look around us and say "I think everyone else is wrong and I'm right", and we know it's true, because we can feel the belief that it's right.

Common sense says so.

Also: Irrational is the new rational. Why do the scientist get to say what is rational and what isn't? If something is irrational but it makes sense, then it is obviously rational. What's wrong with scientists that they can't understand something simple like that? Or maybe they do understand, but tell us otherwise. It's all part of the big scam to make money!

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