Bastardy Wager is Proof of the Climate Warming Scam

There you have it, folks! AccuWeather meteorologist Joe Bastardi is betting that the Earth will cool 0.1 to 0.2 degrees C in the next 10 years.

This is coming from someone who knows their weather. A weather man. And not just any weather man! An AccuWeather man. That "accu" stands for "accurate", by the way, so you know that his prediction is going to be spot-on!

What additional proof do you need?

Will any of the cowardly AGW liars take on Weatherman Joe and accept his bet? I'm definitely siding with Joe on this one. I say to myself, ".1 to .2 degrees cooling... yeah, that sounds about right!"

I too am willing to make such a bet. In fact, I'll wager a year's worth of income from this blog, matching the claims of Weatherman Joe.

I can just see it now, though. If the Earth actually does warm up once the solar cycle kicks into high gear (which totally doesn't count as global warming by the way, because that's a "natural" factor influencing the climate, which is what we Truth Skeptics have been saying all along), the AGWers will call it a victory and try to collect on the bet. Yep, those scientists are a slippery bunch, well-practiced at the "science" of scamming. To make this a fair bet, we would have to first agree to discount any warming due to increased solar activity. In fact, since the AGWers are basically claiming that "all heat energy on Earth is due to CO2" (morans!), we should really subtract the heating effect caused by the sun. Then, once properly adjusted, let's see any of those liars try to claim it's getting hotter due to CO2.

Oh wait... I forgot... they only allow upward adjustments on the temperature scale.

Anyone with even a single brain knows, it's the sun that's making things warmer. (And also that it's not getting warmer.)

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