Record Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Confirms the Earth is Getting Cooler

2010 was a record warm year causing record melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, which proves that the Earth is experiencing record cooling.

"The Earth is experiencing the Really Big Ice Cube Effect," says Howard Mountebank, climate researcher and truth journalist. "Think of the Earth as a giant glass of gin, with some ice cubes in it. What happens when the ice cubes melt? The gin gets colder."

This is what is currently happening, and may explain the connection between the record global high temperatures, and the fact that the Earth is really actually getting colder.

As well, all signs point to yes that the cooling will continue to accelerate. "As the Earth keeps getting hotter, more ice will melt, and the Earth will just keep getting colder and colder."

Several or at least one prominent climate bloggers raised the question of whether or not all this melting ice could cool the Earth so much that the oceans could freeze. Howard responded, "If the AGW crowd gets its way and sabotages industry for the sake of getting their grant money, that very well could happen."

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