How to defeat the AGWers for good

Could this be the final solution and the last of a never-ending sequence of "final nails in the AGW coffin"? Presented here is the way to win the climate war.

We all know the Warmmunists love to lie, but they also love to talk. They just won't shut up about it. Everything you read these days, someone from the AGW crowd will bring up climate change. If it's a story about the future, they'll mention climate change. If it's a story about ocean currents, they'll mention climate change. If it's a story about sustainable food supply, low and behold!, someone's going to mention climate change. It's like they think that everything to do with life on Earth has something to do with the environment! It's sickening.

But here's the thing. The evil lying corrupt AGW scumbag jerks are just like politicians in a lot of ways. And politicians will keep repeating their message until people believe it. So as long as we Exuberant Upholders of The Glorious Truth refuse to believe the lies, they will keep regurgitating it out of their frothing mouths, like an overflowing and overused plugged toilet. It's almost like they won't stop trying to warn us about climate change until we listen.

Perhaps all we have to do is let them think that they won, and maybe they'll shut up for awhile. When someone says "The Earth is going to raise a billion degrees in the next hundred years," instead of fighting back with Common Sense, perhaps we could just say "Oh really? Okay, if you say so." When someone says "Many people will struggle to deal with harsh conditions in the coming decades," instead of laughing heartily and poking fun, we could stifle our laughter and just say "Aw that's sad."

So we just keep mum and let the AGWers run out of steam. Even when the latest climate "data" is falsely claimed to show warming, we will just smile a knowing smile and say "Okay." Even when naturally occurring droughts and fire-storm seasons ravage the planet and the AGWers say that "it's due to climate change!", we will simply say "If you say so" and let them calm their chicken-little hysteria. Even if the sea levels rise and crops fail and many species go extinct and the AGWers prattle on about it, we just stay silent and share a knowing wink that says "This isn't really happening."

Make them believe that we get it, and perhaps they'll stop trying so hard to make us understand.

Then, a hundred years from now, when we're happily burning a thousand times the oil that we're burning today just to stay warm enough through the coming ice age, their voices will have become so weakened that we won't even hear them over the sound of the 3000 hp American engines in our flying cars.

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