Global warmists get hot and bothered over rational blogscience

I've been getting some mean-spirited complaints from "scientists" who don't seem to get common sense, that this website supposedly employs poor "logic" (there's that word again. Man, them scientists sure care a lot about logic! What a good strategy... just turn off your brains, stop actually thinking about it, and instead just use logic. Talk about sticking your head in the sand!).

There's no use in debating about this. We won the debate. The scientists like to say that there's no debate about global warming but there is, because many folks don't accept the science. Is the science right? That's debatable. Therefore there is a debate. And the debate was won by the rational skeptics (those of us who are equally skeptical about everything the scientists say about global warming happening, instead of just cherry-picking what to be skeptical about). There's no way we're going to change our mind, no matter what so-called "evidence" you present. Therefore the issue is settled. There is a debate, and it's over.

Unless you scientists invent some new scientific "law" that says that common sense is false (and good luck getting that one through congress), then you have lost. Common sense has proved that C2O doesn't generate any heating in the atmosphere, and even less in the deep sea.

That's all there is to it, folks. That's called "checkmate." The issue is settled, the debate is over, the skeptics have destroyed the other team in a bloody massacre that has left nothing but severed heads and many many mangled carcasses (like a bunch of stupid baby seals).

Scientists, stop whining and complaining about it. You just don't get it. The issue here is that we were right. Just accept it and move on. Stop showing us "new data" that fits your "models". It doesn't matter any more. I wouldn't believe in global warming until things heated up so much that the very last living thing on Earth boiled to death. Even then I wouldn't believe it. Because the issue is not about how hot it is (that's called weather, folks, and it's a natural phenomenon. Want proof? There was weather before humans even got here. Read a history book if you don't believe me!). The issue is about who was right. We have proven, using science, that all of science is wrong, and that C2O doesn't generate heat. It's not as simple as the AGWer liars would trick you into believing. There are many factors involved: volcanoes, the sun, clouds rubbing together. It's not just about "a little bit of hot gas." Therefore global warming is uncertain. What more does any sane individual need to accept that that means that the theory of global warming is completely and absolutely certainly false?!

So stop whining about how hot it's getting. No matter how hot the planet gets and we all die, it doesn't matter, because global warming is still wrong, and we are right.

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