C2O levels are at a hysterical low

All the idiots who are worried about high C2O levels apparently never opened up a history book. Try opening one up, and you'll see that hysterical levels of C2O were once a lot higher than they are today. And I'm talking about the full hysterical record here. I'm talking about page one of those history books. Right back in the beginning when God was still making the continents out of lava, before any trees were around to make oxygen. Back then, C2O levels were at least twice as high as they are today, maybe even three times. And mankind had no problem surviving through that one... so why worry now?

What I don't get about all the leftist tree-hugging nutcase environmentalists is: Why do you have such a problem with humans terraforming the earth and smoothing it out and basically making use of the environment to transform it into something a little nicer and more modern? And yet, you all love the trees so much, even though it was the trees that came along and terraformed the earth way back when.

As we've already established here, dangerously high levels of C2O are perfectly harmless. Yet it was the trees who changed that rich, thick atmosphere into one that is dangerously deprived of C2O, which all green-colored plants and animals need to survive. Can you imagine a species that would change the earth so much that it would endanger its own survival? Such a species is surely contemptible and worthless. The idiot tree-huggers love a certain species of animals -- the trees -- which have ruined the atmosphere so much that there's hardly any C2O left in it at all. There's so little C2O left in the atmosphere (just trace amounts now), that it's inconceivable that any plants could even survive any more. In fact, that is probably what's killing all of the diminishing amazon forest that gets cut down every year. Who will be laughing when all the trees have killed themselves and all plants on the planet have died, and yet mankind keeps on surviving? Me, for one. Not the trees, that's for certain. Idiots.

Man on the other hand, is not doing anything to significantly change the environment, unlike the stupid trees. Think about it. It would take a person a hundred days to walk around the circumference of the Earth (from one edge to the other edge). That's a huge amount of space for a single person! A person is so small compared to the world. It is impossible that that single person could have any effect at all on something so big. Let alone heat the whole thing up. You'd have to run your furnace non-stop for days, with all the windows open, and it probably wouldn't even heat up the world even one measly degree. Think about it.

Yes folks, we are small, insignificant things in this world. It is simply impossible that any species could have any measurable effect on the planet at all. It's doubly impossible that we could harm the entire planet, after all of the changes we've made to make it better. Not until we conquer the whole thing, will we be able to affect it in the slightest. And yet, for some reason the leftists seem to have a problem with conquering the entire environment. Crazy!

It's like those idiot environmentalists just don't understand math at all, or the law of small numbers. The law of small numbers says it's impossible that mankind can have any effect on the environment. The law of small numbers says that if you add up or multiply a bunch of small numbers, you're still going to end up with some pretty small numbers. And "one" person is a small number. Multiply that one by itself a few thousand times for all the people on earth, and you probably won't get more than about seven (I don't have my calculator with me so I've had to approximate).

And that's a pretty small number. Seven isn't going to do anything against the thousands and thousands, maybe even millions, of atoms the make up the earth. Think about it.

It's like the leftists don't even consider these things.

It scares me that people like that can have a say in what we should do with some valuable clear-cut land, or in what I put in my gas tank (oil, or wind, etc).

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