C2O doesn't generate heat. Period. Exclamation mark!

The debate is over folks. The AGW crowd lost. There is just one convenient truth that destroys the entire theory of global warming completely, and nails its coffin to the wall.

C2O just plain doesn't generate heat. (Maybe a little heat might be generated by the C atoms rubbing against the O atoms, but since it's a trace gas anyway it would only be trace heat.)

This is just plain old science, folks. (Plain science is the only good kind of science. Pretty much anything from before 1905 was pretty good.)

Think of it this way: C20 is like putting a coat on the Earth. Does your coat have a heater in it? No! (Well, I know one guy who has a coat with a heater in it, but none of mine do.) Your winter coat does not heat you. Your body heat does. Now here's the important part: Your body heat is there whether you're wearing a coat or not! The coat adds ZERO heat!

It's the same with C2O. It does not heat the Earth.

Now, it's true that coats keep you warm. That extra warmth means that there is extra energy to be radiated out of you. Any extra energy you have will increase your rate of cooling. The increased thermal energy and the increased radiative cooling reach what's called "equilibrium", which means that there is no net difference in body temperature. This is 6th grade science, folks!

Folks, this is really simple stuff. Any idiot can understand this. Folks like you and me get this. What's truly baffling is why the so-called "educated" people don't get it. These are nails in coffins, folks!

To prove once and for all -- yet again! -- that global warming is a big phony lie, I will wear my winter coat all summer and show that I, just like the Earth, will not get any warmer than the temperature that my natural body heat warms me to!

Addendum: I've had to end the experiment early. I've found that going out in the sun with the coat on was just unbearable.

The experiment was a success in that it identified the real culprit. This is additional proof that the AGWers are stupid liars. Just like with the Earth, it is the sun that caused the warming, not whether or not I'm wearing a coat.

I guess this really makes fools out of anyone who ever backed solar power. After all the hoopla and fizzle-fazzle, it turns out that it's not quite as harmless as oil after all!

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2 Responses to C2O doesn't generate heat. Period. Exclamation mark!

  1. This is hilarious! Hopefully no one actually believes it.

  2. Yes! It is hilarious that the AGWers actually believe in global warming. But what's really sad is that they actually believe it.

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