Over at Watt The Heck Is Going On, they've posted the answer to watt is causing all this global warming... It's dirty wind power! Oh how delicious, you fools, that the devices you've built to fix all the problems in the world is watt caused the problems in the first place!
Seems to me the wind mills gotta go. We must all mount our trusty steeds and go forth to attack the ferocious giants. We must be merciless against our enemies. I think the only way to be sure we're safe from these evil creatures is to cover them in barrels and barrels of oil and light a match. Good riddance! Ah, more delicious delicious imagery. I often fantasize about anything I disagree with being burnt to a crisp in rich, thick, beautiful clean oil.
The story brings up a disturbing point, though. Is Watts admitting that global warming is happening? That the innocent actions of innocent humans* can have an effect on the environment? Stay on message, Watts! This just makes me more suspicious. Could it truly be that Watts is a warmist toady in disguise? I would be so disappointed if our leader in spirit turned out to be a traitor. Mr Watts, global warming is not happening. You know watt we skeptics do with those we disagree with.
We discredit them! Man... it would be a hard job of discrediting Watts, after all of the good opinions and charts he's provided for our side over the years. I do not want to see that happen.
Global warming is not happening, not happening, not happening, and it's dirty wind power that's causing it.
* Note: Clearly, it is only evil humans with their evil (such as wind power) that is changing climate, but is this a message that we want to accept as our reality? Do we say that humans can't change the environment, or do we say that only good humans who only use good clean oil aren't changing the environment? Curse you, Watts, for making me think about this. Yesterday, I knew which side of the debate I accepted as scientifically palatable. Now watt talking point should I use to describe reality?
"...the world's most awesome climate website"
- Floyd Peers The Climate Crusade: The Holy War for Control of Earth's Thermostat
- Steve-o Wayward The Weekly Turd
Skeptic Friends Network
A blog about climate scum like Al Gore
Blog Science for Real People
(Real climate denial? Or a ridiculous parody site made by brainless AGWers pretending to be Concerned Skeptical Citizens???)
Science-type Enemies
So-called Open Mind (sic). Tamino tries to scam you with tricks like math and statistics, a wide range of knowledge, and well-thought-out arguments.
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Climageddon: How it's the End of the World if We Even Let the Greenies Speak Thus Letting Them Flush the Economy Down Their Composting Toilets
Climageddon: How it's the End of the World if We Even Let the Greenies Speak Thus Letting Them Flush the Economy Down Their Composting Toilets