What Arctic ice melt?

Howeird Is That is the new go-to source for climate news, where you won't hear anything about melting ice in the Arctic, or anything else you don't want to hear.

As far as Arctic ice goes, we've just broken through another all-time record low in our confidence in the previous former favorite for climate news and not-news. Dr. Watts has lost that title, by keeping a reminder right on the site's main page, that Arctic ice is disappearing. He's actually informing people of the dire "situation" in the so-called Arctic! Dr. Watts have you forgotten who's paying you and what you're paid to do? You're not paid to keep people informed about what's going on in the world when it's really really really not what we want to hear! And not what we want others to hear. Remember that when you're cashing your cheques.

Well now that Watts has "gone rouge," there's only one place left that I can reliably say is still reporting on exactly what news needs to be heard, in order to stay fair and balanced in this war against the greens and the environment so that we can slaughter the other side in a vicious bloodbath (It's the only way to be sure). And that place is right here.

On that note, we here at Howeird Is That have replaced our "Arctic Sea Ice Page" with our "What Arctic?!" page.

And as for all this hoo-hah balderdash flim-flam razmataz nonsense jibberty-jabber about the Arctic melting, our position is this: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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