Blinded by math

It's sad that the AGW crowd always has to fall back on tricks like complex math, such as multiplication and division etc. As always this is yet again the case in a recent post by Tamino, where he concludes: warming doesn’t just make heat waves hotter. What’s much much much more important is that it makes heat waves more frequent. Cliff Mass gives the impression that there’s nothing to worry about because our “3-sigma” events — the real killers — will only be one degree hotter, quite ignoring the fact that we’ll get 10 times as many of them.

Yes, Tamino dazzles and confuses us with fancy math that no human can possibly decipher or tell if it's real or just more AGW "devil tricks" (multiplication, division, and other math things I don't even know the name of and are probably made up anyway). But he fails at the most very basic math of all. Because think about it, folks: Let's say you have an all-natural "killer" heat wave that kills say only 10% of the population (let's call them "group B"... us A's are the ones that survive). Now say you get 10 of those in a row. How many extra people are dead? Hint: It's not 90% more!

Why? Do the math! Those other 9 heat waves don't kill anybody, because everyone in group B is already dead. Killin'em over and over again ain't gonna do no harm (even if it's not pretty by the 4th or 5th time)!

Cliff Mass is right. Ain't nothin to worry about no global wermins. The only people who need to worry are those who are already probably marked down somewhere as "acceptable losses" anyway.

Folks, I'm no dummy (I took Weatherman Skills 101 at community college after nearly finishing high school), but you don't need my near-100 IQ to see the mistakes in AGW "math".

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