Fair and balanced

Obviously there have been a lot of really weird and completely unpredictable (other than by insane psychotic "scientists") weather events this season. All over the liberal-biased news you'll hear stories of flooding, drought, ice melt, record high temperatures, etc...

As usual, the media is simply taking one side and refusing to report on all the global-cooling related stories that are also happening equally as much as the warming stories (it would not be fair and balanced to report anything but equal occurrences). Have no fear! I will be reporting on all of the global-cooling related stories as they happen. Stay tuned to this blog as I will keep it updated with all the real fair news about global-cooling.

Here's a start:

Record low temperatures in the USA

There was that really cold day in Minnesota in the winter (I reported it before on this very blog), and that was like only a year or two ago. You can't explain that!

Above average ice extent in parts of the Arctic

In a part of the Berring Straight, there was a bit more ice than average, for part of the Spring just a few months ago for a little while. Hmm!, I guess that's one part of the globe that didn't get the memo from Gore that the whole entire globe was supposed to be warming uniformly every last bit of it.

Well there you have it. That's two stories so far on global cooling, and maybe we've heard approximately two stories repeated over and over (yawn!!!) this year about global warming (including the Texas droughts, Colorado wildfires, Iowa crop failures, record high temperatures over USA, flooding in some foreign-type countries in Asia or whatever, unprecedented Greenland ice melt, the so-called "death spiral" --- ooh! Scary!!! --- of Arctic ice melt even though there was more ice in that part around the Berring Straight)... So far it's about even but with the oncoming ice-age we're already in I expect there to be a lot more global-cooling stories coming in than stories about warming which is only caused by natural variation. So watch this space! I predict about 3 blog posts per day throughout the rest of summer.

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