Archive for August 2012

Who cares about the planet?! Save the economy!

Science has proven that there are many many worlds to explore and mine for resources (I get giddy just imagining what the proven oil reserves on some of those planets must be!). But there is only one global economy.

If there's one thing we know about the environment, it's that it is nigh impervious to mankind. We can burn it, drill it, grind it up, dump toxic waste on it, pave over it, and it still refuses to die. But what about today's global economic environment? I don't think any true environmentalist could ignore that environment. It is truly fragile! Despite decades of intense focus on the economy at the expense of everything else (life, liberty, freedom, social advancement --- a lot of things have been given up for the sake of the economy, and that's how you know how truly important it really is!), the economy remains perched on the edge of Death!

There's this thing that doctors do, on TV shows such as MASH and ER, called "triaging". That's where you sort out the patients into categories like "Not dying yet" and "Beyond all hope of saving." Then you order the patients by severity and frantically focus all your attention where it is most loudly begged for: on those patients with no hope of survival. And folks, right now that is the economy. Despite all the extreme measures we've done to try to artificially resuscitate it, it remains limp and listless and on its last breaths. Any fool can see, the only way to deal with that is to put more, more, forever more blood snot and tears into it. As long as we humans still have an ounce of blood flowing through our veins, we have blood to give to the economy in a hopeless attempt at giving it a fair shot at life.

Yes, the economy has no hope of survival, and demands all of our attention at the expense of all else. Meanwhile, scientists kinda mostly I guess agree that we haven't yet reached a final tipping point in the environment that will doom us all. That means that the environment is not yet dying beyond all hope of saving. We must focus on the hopeless patients first! We have a few years or at the very least months before the environment is ruined beyond saving. Then, and only then, would it be responsible for anyone to focus any attention on it. Doing anything now would be like having doctors waste their time on someone who isn't even almost dead yet. That's something that could only make sense to hippy democrats.

But even when we reach that environmental point of no return, even then as long as there is still an economy left, it is patient #1. The economy doesn't even seem able to survive despite focusing all our attention on it, so it would be irresponsible to give it any less than 100% of our effort. That unfortunately leaves 0% effort for the environment. Sorry hippies. We can worry about the ruined Earth after the sickly heart of the economy finally gives in, and we're all forced to live in caves and our stock portfolios are in tatters. I shudder at the thought.

The youngest among us have grown up never knowing a clean, healthy economic environment. For many, truly "we have always been in a global economic crisis" (I can't even remember which crisis it is we're in at the moment, or what started it). And it looks like we always will! And that gives me hope, because if there's one thing that can spur a young generation into action it is constant, nerve-racking crisis! For many of us older folks (17 and up) who were lucky enough to know the glory of war to get our hearts pumping, the global economic crisis is just a bonus. I myself always wound up bravely fighting and keeping the economy going from a spot right here on the home front but I can tell you I envy all of those living it up on the front lines.

Anyway in summary, kids listen up: The economy is in much worse condition than the environment, and that's why it is the economy that demands every last drop of blood that you have. Don't disappoint us more than you already have (eg. going into theatre or fine arts). Forget about the Earth. Save the economy!

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What Arctic ice melt?

Howeird Is That is the new go-to source for climate news, where you won't hear anything about melting ice in the Arctic, or anything else you don't want to hear.

As far as Arctic ice goes, we've just broken through another all-time record low in our confidence in the previous former favorite for climate news and not-news. Dr. Watts has lost that title, by keeping a reminder right on the site's main page, that Arctic ice is disappearing. He's actually informing people of the dire "situation" in the so-called Arctic! Dr. Watts have you forgotten who's paying you and what you're paid to do? You're not paid to keep people informed about what's going on in the world when it's really really really not what we want to hear! And not what we want others to hear. Remember that when you're cashing your cheques.

Well now that Watts has "gone rouge," there's only one place left that I can reliably say is still reporting on exactly what news needs to be heard, in order to stay fair and balanced in this war against the greens and the environment so that we can slaughter the other side in a vicious bloodbath (It's the only way to be sure). And that place is right here.

On that note, we here at Howeird Is That have replaced our "Arctic Sea Ice Page" with our "What Arctic?!" page.

And as for all this hoo-hah balderdash flim-flam razmataz nonsense jibberty-jabber about the Arctic melting, our position is this: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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Blinded by math

It's sad that the AGW crowd always has to fall back on tricks like complex math, such as multiplication and division etc. As always this is yet again the case in a recent post by Tamino, where he concludes: warming doesn’t just make heat waves hotter. What’s much much much more important is that it makes heat waves more frequent. Cliff Mass gives the impression that there’s nothing to worry about because our “3-sigma” events — the real killers — will only be one degree hotter, quite ignoring the fact that we’ll get 10 times as many of them.

Yes, Tamino dazzles and confuses us with fancy math that no human can possibly decipher or tell if it's real or just more AGW "devil tricks" (multiplication, division, and other math things I don't even know the name of and are probably made up anyway). But he fails at the most very basic math of all. Because think about it, folks: Let's say you have an all-natural "killer" heat wave that kills say only 10% of the population (let's call them "group B"... us A's are the ones that survive). Now say you get 10 of those in a row. How many extra people are dead? Hint: It's not 90% more!

Why? Do the math! Those other 9 heat waves don't kill anybody, because everyone in group B is already dead. Killin'em over and over again ain't gonna do no harm (even if it's not pretty by the 4th or 5th time)!

Cliff Mass is right. Ain't nothin to worry about no global wermins. The only people who need to worry are those who are already probably marked down somewhere as "acceptable losses" anyway.

Folks, I'm no dummy (I took Weatherman Skills 101 at community college after nearly finishing high school), but you don't need my near-100 IQ to see the mistakes in AGW "math".

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Fair and balanced

Obviously there have been a lot of really weird and completely unpredictable (other than by insane psychotic "scientists") weather events this season. All over the liberal-biased news you'll hear stories of flooding, drought, ice melt, record high temperatures, etc...

As usual, the media is simply taking one side and refusing to report on all the global-cooling related stories that are also happening equally as much as the warming stories (it would not be fair and balanced to report anything but equal occurrences). Have no fear! I will be reporting on all of the global-cooling related stories as they happen. Stay tuned to this blog as I will keep it updated with all the real fair news about global-cooling.

Here's a start:

Record low temperatures in the USA

There was that really cold day in Minnesota in the winter (I reported it before on this very blog), and that was like only a year or two ago. You can't explain that!

Above average ice extent in parts of the Arctic

In a part of the Berring Straight, there was a bit more ice than average, for part of the Spring just a few months ago for a little while. Hmm!, I guess that's one part of the globe that didn't get the memo from Gore that the whole entire globe was supposed to be warming uniformly every last bit of it.

Well there you have it. That's two stories so far on global cooling, and maybe we've heard approximately two stories repeated over and over (yawn!!!) this year about global warming (including the Texas droughts, Colorado wildfires, Iowa crop failures, record high temperatures over USA, flooding in some foreign-type countries in Asia or whatever, unprecedented Greenland ice melt, the so-called "death spiral" --- ooh! Scary!!! --- of Arctic ice melt even though there was more ice in that part around the Berring Straight)... So far it's about even but with the oncoming ice-age we're already in I expect there to be a lot more global-cooling stories coming in than stories about warming which is only caused by natural variation. So watch this space! I predict about 3 blog posts per day throughout the rest of summer.

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