Ignoring global warming is economically responsible

As we've already proven day after day, with every analysis of the mythical exothermic auto-reactive active heating properties of CO2, and with every snowflake that falls, global warming isn't happening.

And, as we've seen, when it is happening, it's really not that bad. Many people enjoy "t-shirt weather" and are productive enough members of society to afford air-conditioning. The arctic is coming out of its ice age, completely naturally, offering up a cornucopia of resources and begging to be exploited.

Imagine that you're a vampire, and you've got a cut across your forehead (much like, for example, the newly opened shipping routes on the forehead of the world). It's bleeding, which just means more food for you! That's good, right? But as you sink your pointy teeth into your own forehead, you make the cut wider. Now more blood spills out, and you feast on it with ever increasing voracity.

Eventually, you're nothing but a cut-up carcass, gushing blood all over the place. Do you see the problem with that? Greenies might find some way to turn this into a big problem that eventually needs to stop. But as a vampire, you're just in heaven, with unlimited natural resources just gushing out of your own head.

The world could be like that. Through economics and industry, we could create heaven on Earth.

Let's take a look at the economics of global warming.

Suppose we were to try to stop it. It would cost $75,000,00,0000,00, not including all the lost jobs. And, since global warming isn't happening, it would all be for nothing. Net loss: $75,00,0000,0000,0.

Now suppose that we don't try to stop it.
Cost: $0
Gain in jobs: 100% employment.
Gain in Arctic resources: $50,000,000,00000.
Gain in the stock market: $1000,00,00,00,0000 (at least).
Cost of apology to Australia for completely destroying it: $0

Yes folks, apologies are free, and that's what makes this option so preferable. Net gain: $3,3,0,000000000000 million!

The problem with the greenies is that they see everything in terms of trees or human lives. If they just stepped back and saw the big picture, in terms of real American dollars, they'd realize that when it comes to the important things, not doing a damn thing about global warming is so much better for the economy. And honestly, I'd be just fine with a few billion people dead and maybe the rest of us suffering, as long as the economy is doing okay. Because, without a strong economy, I might not have two jobs (let alone three, which I currently seem to need -- don't let anyone say I don't do my part for the economy!). And without jobs, what's the point of even having an Earth?

I should point out that all of the math here in this post is just simple spreadsheet math, that all the scientists should be able to handle if they have at least 1 brain in their head.

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