Atlasgate is watergate times a million plus climategate times about three

Folks, I take very little overjoyed exuberant glee in digging up the long-buried coffin of AGW just to drive another nail into it, but the warmistas just keep handing me nails!

Yes folks, atlasgate is the latest in a never-ending series of scandals that prove conclusively that AGW is wrong. Those warmosexuals are now printing their own lie-filled atlases.

You may wonder why myself and Dr. Watts are calling a mistake on a map "atlasgate". It is because this and all the other climate-related gates are far-reaching scandals that involve unethical behavior and a huge cover-up.

Think about it, folks. You've got scientists telling us that the earth is going to magically warm up because of some magical invisible trace gas, and you've got atlas makers showing us images of an earth warming up, and you've got temperature records telling us that the earth is warming up. That folks, is what you call a conspiracy.

To me that means that if anyone (those warmerasts are all in it together) makes a mistake on something, it's not due to error but rather due to some sort of huge evil plan to destroy our oil-based economy.

Think about it folks. What are the chances that an atlas maker just happens to make a mistake accidentally? Probably about one in zero. It is far more likely that it's a vast and evil conspiracy of communist democrats and evil atlas makers. And pro-windmill greenoterrorists. And anti-American bicycle riders. And Al Gore.

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