Another example of the left's inability to learn

I was standing at the bus stop the other day (I like to take the bus because it's one of the biggest vehicles on the road and thus the safest. I'm taking the bus while saving up for a semi truck, which will be more convenient than waiting for the bus, for short trips to the corner store etc).

I was wearing my winter jacket and sweating profusely, while minding my own business trying to beat the heat, when I was accosted by a militant liberal (who was taking the bus for completely different reasons than I was, I can assure you) for running my portable A/C unit at full tilt. Being the open-minded person that I am, I tried to argue some sense into this obvious idiot (you can tell by the way he looked), instead of simply pepper-spraying him like an average person ought to do.

This liberal tried to distort the facts by suggesting that it might help for me to not be wearing a winter jacket in the summer. I was dumbfounded. "Haven't you read my blog?", I asked. "I've already proven that wearing a winter jacket does not add any heat to a terrestrial body."

"No," he replied. "Who are you?"

I was again dumbfounded, before even fully recovering from the first one. I literally staggered, partly from the effect of the layered dumbfoundery, and partly I suppose from the dizzying heat of the sun heating the Earth all by itself with no help from trace gasses.

I felt it was my duty to enlighten this misguided fool. I outlined the same arguments that I've described in this blog and which I've repeated ad nauseum in forums and various internets. I explained the chemistry of winter jacket material (it is fairly inert). I unzipped my coat to show that there were no heating elements in it. I wasn't concealing a campfire or a toaster. I took quite a bit of time to explain this all clearly and simply. I don't know how I could have made it any dumber for this guy to understand. Yet, wouldn'tcha know it folks, this waxy-eared leftist simply refused to listen to reason. I pointed out several times to this guy that he was a jerk for not getting it.

"Quit following me!" he cried. Typical of the left, isn't it? When they're beaten in an argument they immediately change the subject and start with the personal attacks.

Exhausted, and sad that there are people out there who won't let their opinions be corrected (even when I beat them over the head with the correct ones), and also having ended up in a strange part of town, I began walking in a daze toward home. Thankfully I must have passed out, as I woke up some time later and found myself in a refreshingly cool puddle of water on the side of the road. Luckily, I refuse to buy gore-tex (for obvious reasons) and the cool water had soaked right through my heavy coat.


Folks, it would simply be foolish of me to stop wearing the coat and buy a whole new wardrobe, when there is no evidence of the preposterous claim that summer heat is caused entirely by winter jackets. I had been wearing my coat all winter long; it's not like I can just change the way I dress to fit the changing seasons. That would take too much effort. We can't just change our lifestyles to fit our environments. We must be steadfast and live true to our way of life no matter how uncomfortable or hard it becomes. This is a sign of strength and it is the American way. No one can take away my way of life, no matter what are the horrific costs of keeping it. To change course now indicates weakness of the mind, of the soul, and of the wrist. It is essentially surrendering to the terrorists and the poor.

Regardless, it hasn't even been shown with 100% consensus that losing the coat would magically cool anything down. This is clearly a scheme of the left-wing summer clothes retailers to make a quick buck selling cooler clothes while purposefully ignoring the winter jacket blogscience and misleading the public about it.

Besides, summer's half over. It might be too late to do anything about it now.

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