Peak oil? Not in this eon.

A lot of the chicken-littles are worried about "peak oil."

What is peak oil? Peak oil is the hypotheoretical day that the oil suddenly completely runs out (from the French "pique" which means "To cause to feel resentment or indignation", which is what the greenies expect to feel when we somehow magically use up all the oil). What a ridiculous proposition. Think about it, folks. One day there's all the oil we could ever want to use in a million lifetimes, and the next day it's suddenly all gone?! Where do they think it will go? Into thin air?! Idiots.

It's just not possible for us to use up all the oil. There are practically infinity barrels of the stuff. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's simply impossible that humans can have any influence at all on the environment. Humans are just too small (on average only about 4 feet tall), and the world is just too big. Carbon dioxins, disappearing rainforests, polluted rivers and lakes and oceans, ever-increasing ratio of paved land -- these are all the result of natural processes. We couldn't harm the environment even if we tried a lot harder than we're trying now. Something small cannot have an effect on something big; that's just common sense logic, folks. It's like saying you could poison yourself with just one poison pill. It just doesn't happen. You have to eat the whole bottle.

Think about it, folks. Oil has been created under ground over billions of years. How can something that's been made for so long be used up in any imaginable amount of time? Imagine filling up your gas tank, but instead of spending 10 minutes pouring gas in, imagine spending a billion years pouring it in to the tank. That's literally a million times the amount of gas you usually get. That tank would be pretty damn full. You're not going to run out of gas any time soon! Nature has been pouring gas into the Earth's tank for billions of years, so it will probably take a few trillion years before we get through it all.

But wait a minute. The Earth made all that oil for us out of dead animals. If animals keep dying, nature keeps on making oil. That's why it's called a renewable resource. This is why the greenies want to save all the animals. If there are no more animals dying, there's no more oil being made, and then they get rich when dirty wind energy prices skyrocket and they make a killing on cash from congress. But animals dying is a natural process. So I say we keep killing all the animals we can. Then we never run out of oil, and the greenies' little investment scam doesn't pay off.

I don't know why the idiot scientist greenies just don't get it. It's scientifically impossible to run out of a renewable resource. By definition, all the used-up reserves of that resource get renewed. The more we use up oil, the more it's just going to be there again. It doesn't make sense to me why we haven't put an oil rig on each and every square foot of the planet... but I know why we haven't. It's because those money-grubbing greens have been reading a bit too much Richard Marx and can't stand the idea of patriotic American oil companies earning even a meager profit for their hard work. Go back to Russia, you commies! Stop trying to make an advantageous gain or return on your windmills, and let someone else earn an honest profit for a change.

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