The Left gets it backwards again

Senator Claire McCaskill wants to end oil subsidies. I'm dumbfounded and disappointed. Why is it always that the Dems seem to have everything backwards and are always high on glue?

Madam senator, have you not been reading my blog with your eyes open? If you had been paying attention, you would see that it's government money going to the windmills that is the problem, not oil. Oil subsidies are an integral part of keeping the oil industry happy. Are you anti-industry, madam senator? In this country, we appreciate capitalism, and we frown upon communism, murder, and rape. There is nothing more capitalism than the big oil companies. How could you possibly be against that? You're not pro-murder too, are you??? It is simply unbelievable to me that any Dem senator who is pro-murder could remain in power. How do brainless pro-murder Dems expect a truly capitalist company to survive in this day and age without government handouts?

Madam senator, are you trying to make all Americans equally poor? Oil companies are successful because government subsidies keep them afloat and highly profitable. Are you against success, madam senator? Success is as much a part of America as winning wars, defeating the French, and baseballs. It would seem that you want to see an America where all of us are poor, because you can't seem to stand seeing anyone get ahead on their own through the blessing of the government. You feel that success deserves to be punished, by making those who achieve it to suffer with the same government treatment as the unsuccessful, the worthless, the poor. How can someone who is wealthy because of subsidies stay wealthy if you stop giving them money? This is nothing but anti-wealthy politics, and it's un-American. You probably just want to greedily keep that money for yourself, so that you can give it away to the greedy money-lusting wind industry and the less fortunate, while keeping it away from the entrepreneurial, go-getting oilmen.

What will happen if you cut off this vital source of income to the oil industry? The oil companies, well accustomed to a lavish life of high profits, aren't going to simply adapt to a new life of poverty. They will require an additional source of income to make up for it. Where will they get it? From the American car-owning tax-payer, through even higher gas prices. Why should tax-payers be forced to pay for what the government refuses to shell out for? Subsidies are a small ransom that we would gladly have you pay on the behalf of all Americans, when compared to the looming threat the oil companies could easily make if you don't pay up.

Yes madam senator, a few billion dollars in subsidies is a small price to pay to keep the American dream propped up and to fight against the terror of expensive gas.

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