Archive for July 2012

Science is witchcraft

There's a great little story over at WattsGoingOn?!, an historically accurate tale that really shows what a bunch of dopes all the scientists is.


Tribe wizard:

“Don’t listen to that fool, dear tribe. These creatures only show themselves to the chosen ones like me. Anybody else cannot see them. And they are in anger as our tribe has displeased them and they are punishing us with casting the cold spell.”

Old sceptic tribe idiot:

“Nonsense, we had severe winters when I was young. It’s just natural variability”

You see, the Tribe wizard is like stupid scientists today, telling us that global warming is caused by magical monsters that only they can see, and demanding that we make a sacrifice of goodies to the scary gods of climatology. The Idiot is like brave, intelligent sceptics of global warming, standing up to the witchcraft of the modern wizards.

Science is indistinguishable from magic (an old Isaac Assimov quote). Therefore, scientists are actually trying to convince us that the global warming we see all around us is due to magic! Absolutely ridiculous! Why would anyone even bother listening to them?! Don't, by the way. Don't let yourself hear their evil enchanted message. You mustn't even give them a chance. If we let their devil-sorcery witchcraft get into people's ears, those people will be put under some kind of voodoo spell and turned into brainless zombies, bereft of their brave, rational, intelligent sceptical rejection of all science since 1905.

In the parable, the stupid wizard predicts (using magic and evil) that the summer will come and everything will become magically warm. The intelligent idiot, using god-given knowledge of natural variability, predicts that the summer will come and that things will become even colder (due to it being an ice age). Sure enough, the summer comes and it is warmer. So who is right?

The Idiot, of course! The fancy wizard is wrong, because even though it got warmer, it was wrong to use magic tricks to make that prediction. The handsome Idiot is right, because even though it didn't get colder as predicted, the Idiot realizes that making a prediction in the first place was impossible due to Natural Variability, and the incorrect prediction conclusively proves that! Once the heat got here, the brave idiot smartly realized they had known all along that the hot summer would happen, but they also correctly knew that it was not due to imaginary monsters or science. So maybe the wizard should be the one being called an idiot! You idiot scientist wizard! Stay away from me with your scary magical abilities to predict the future and to see monsters and invisible trace gasses which are actually really quite very beneficial to life.

Folks, don't be tricked by modern wizards. I see some people starting to believe in the sorcery just because all of the scientists' predictions are coming true. That's just a trick! Yes, the Earth is getting warmer exactly like the scientists predicted it, but you'd have to be an idiot to think that it happened due to some mumbo-jumbo sciencey necromancy that us ordinary folk don't even understand. And don't want to! It's hogswallow! Just remember that all this global warming is due to natural variability. It could not be predicted, which only goes to show that the scientists who predicted it are witches.

I would suggest burning them, but I bet someone would get his panties up in a knot over the carbon credits that doing so would put up into the atmosphere.

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