Archive for May 2012

Disaster capitalism and crisitunity

There's an old saying in Tennessee... I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee... that says, "Capitalism works just fine, but it's the best we've got at the moment."

These days, many entrepreneurs are showing their humanitarian side through Disaster Capitalism, which is basically where you take a big disaster and you turn it into a good thing, by helping people and turning a profit off them; everybody wins. Sometimes, if there are no disasters happening by themselves, but you still want to help people, you have to create the disasters yourself. I don't see anything wrong with that, as long as you're there to help when the opportunity arises, and have a good business model and strong corporate leadership. As long as you have a supply of customers (ie. victims of an unfortunate tragedy) and positive cash-flow, then everybody (ie. investors) is happy.

With all these naysayers these days talking about global warming like it's a big disaster, it makes me realize: Some go-getters can really make a profit off of this! If people really are going to end up in dire straits over all this, that's going to make them some pretty motivated customers! Yet the naysayers only look at the down-side of disasters.

I'll bet that the same people who are now whining about how global warming is going to kill them, are the same socialists who will be expecting someone else to help them out when 100% natural global warming comes to get them. If these mostly foreign-type pinkos were America-loving capitalists, they'd be shutting their mouths and getting jobs, earning money now so that they can afford to be helped when inevitable all-natural* disaster strikes.

Even though the Earth has been cooling from 1998 to 2004 and from 2006 to 2009 and from 2011 all the way right up to around the present (early 2012), we can all still do our part to make sure that The Capitalist System keeps running smoothly whatever disasters may come. Know your place! Are you one of the select few who is helping people by facilitating a disaster/recovery cycle? Or are you one of the many who is being helped and doing your part by transferring wealth to the rightful entrepreneurs who have put in the effort to turn a profit? Either way, don't be one of those hippies who sits back whining about what disasters others are causing, and then not even having the common decency to afford being helped through those disasters.

* Ideally also aided by especially forward-looking entrepreneurs.

Remember kids, Heartland Institute spokesperson Ted Kaczynski says, "If you believe in global warming, you're a Unabomber!"

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